Sunday, March 4, 2007

Friday, March 2, 2007

Today's rock stars are:

Andrew Dice Clay, former comedian
"Andrew "Dice" Clay, the '80s comic who once achieved rock-star status, has since fallen on hard times and hopes a new VH1 reality show about his life will help him reclaim his throne."
New York Post

J.R. Reynolds, University of Virginia basketball player (and student)
"Afterward, the crowd chanted 'J-R Rey-nolds' as he walked into the locker room. Like a rock star out for an encore, he emerged from the tunnel and raised his arm in tribute."
Washington Post

Sirtris Pharmaceuticals Inc. Biopharmaceutical company
"A rock star of biotechs plans an IPO"
Boston Globe

Computer Security Experts
"These rock stars of computer forensics have flocked to Amero -- an unlikely hero who claims to be a computer ignoramus."
Hartford Courant (Connecticut)

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